
Substance Abuse Rehab Center Counts on Click Then Convert to Get Their Phones Ringing Off The Hook!

Hero Lantana
About Lantana

Lantana Recovery

Located on the historical peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina, Lantana Recovery takes a modern approach to substance use disorder treatment, offering intensive clinical care while immersing its patients in the local Charleston culture.



New Advertising Strategy Needed to Get Those Phones Ringing

Lantana Recovery wanted to hit their goal of 20 admits per month while keeping the cost per conversion under $100 and the average cost per click under $10, so they hired us to get those phones ringing!

Challange Lantana
Solution Lantana



New Market Positioning Strategy Focused on Hyper-Targeted Google Ads

We started with deep research into addiction victims and their family members' avatars so we could effectively segment targeting and remarketing campaigns. We then created Special Category (Limited Policy Notice) campaigns falling under addiction Services and launched a multi-stage Google campaign while following up with continual ad content, headline, and call-to-action optimizations.


128 Calls

Generated in a month


Cost/Conv at


- Avg CPC at


Conversion Rate



25 Ad ‘Evergreen’ Google Campaign That Works Like Clockwork

For every campaign that wins, we always try to harvest the learnings from understanding our optimizations better for more wins down the road. Through this hyper-effective (Limited Policy) campaign, we learned with every optimization and were able to act fast to perform any changes on the fly. Helping us get over 100+ calls/leads a month for Lantana Recovery at a 6.5% conversion rate.

Outcome Lantana



AD Examples

Ad Lantana1
Ad Lantana2
Ad Lantana3
Ad Lantana4
Ad Lantana5
Ad Lantana6